There are subtle differences between the fur coats of bobcats and lynx. All four species have black tufts on their ears, but a bobcat’s tufts are shorter. Bobcats also have less pronounced ...
The Illinois Trappers Association will hold its annual fur sale Feb. 15 at Krile Auction House, 101 Walnut St. in Strasburg.
Yet these stealthy felines are no match for the development rapidly destroying their habitat nor the poaching brought about through the high demands of the international fur trade. Although bobcat ...
Karine Aigner (USA) documents the annual hunting competitions in Texas, USA. Hats and fur cuffs for boots made from the pelts of bobcats and coyotes are arranged for a marketing shoot. In Texas, ...
Wildlife experts say colder temperatures drive these predators to hunt more frequently, boosting their energy during the harsh winter months.