While a visual appraisal to gauge hay quality can be informative, extension experts stress that there’s only one way to truly know the quality of hay — getting an accurate test. “Hay that looks ...
Cattle naturally sort their feed based on a variety of factors such as palatability, forage content, particle size, ...
Newborn calves are susceptible to various illnesses and injuries, including a fracture of limbs. Here are some precautionary ...
For a cow to feed a calf and retain its own body condition requires a good solid intake of essential nutrients. First-calf ...
Summer is an excellent time to get pens in condition for cattle. This means scraping and hauling away manure, but also hauling good dirt back in and filling the holes around the water tanks, bunks and ...
Apr. live cattle rose by 3.85 cents at $2.00 a pound. Apr. feeder cattle rose by 4.17 cents at $2.79 a pound. Apr. hogs was up 0.62 cent at $.87 a pound.
On internet sales, Davies said buyers will often see four per cent empty bunk or four per cent in the morning. He said it’s important to be honest about those conditions. The cattle can weigh a ...
Pritchard says it’s most critical to lessen the heat stress on the heavier cattle. Pritchard says if conditions get tough enough, producers can always fill their feed bunks with water. He says that’d ...
Finally, feeding high levels of forage requires a positive mindset of the entire farm team. The field crop team, the harvesting crews, the bunk packers, the feeding team and the person who determines ...
Create a biosecurity plan. It is also possible for cattle to become infected via contact with contaminated fomites, such as water buckets, calf feeders, feed bunks, IV equipment, nose leads, clothing ...