To celebrate the colorful little decals that keep Angelenos rubbernecking on the road, we asked locals and visitors to share their favorite bumper stickers. Here's what they submitted.
Claire Evans of Yacht with the bumper stickers she makes at her home in Highland Park. (Chiara Alexa / For The Times) ...
Los Angeles has reached peak bumper sticker: It’s now common to see cars displaying a rainbow of decals. Today’s stickers often mimic classic formulations from bumper stickers past and declare ...
Jeanne Vaccaro, a scholar and curator from Kansas, always wanted to become a bumper sticker person. For years, she collected stickers from artists, musicians and bookstores, but she kept them away ...
Some soy boy with a man bun wearing skinny jeans who has a "coexist" bumper sticker on the back of his Prius? Heck no! You need a masculine MAGA man!