Does copyright law require that a human create a work? Yesterday the D.C. Circuit in Thaler v. Perlmutter held that it does and that a machine (such as a computer operating a generative AI program) ...
No job is more vital to our society than that of the manager. The manager determines whether our social institutions will ...
An open letter of over 400 Hollywood professionals opposed proposals by OpenAI and Google to offer fair use exemptions around ...
A collection of Photoshop tutorials by Blue Lightning TV, showing how to create powerful logos, emblems and monograms. Note: The tutorials in this video were created on various versions of Photoshop ...
Photoshop CC 2014 tutorial showing how to transform a black & white logo, symbol or text into gold-leaf and stencil it on frosted glass. Office interior photo: <a href=" Royalty Free Music provided by ...
Founders know the mantra: make data-driven decisions. In recent years, the scientific approach to nurturing start-ups—developing hypotheses, collecting evidence that either supports or refutes ...
According to a report from Billboard, songwriter Melvin "4rest" Moore and his legal team allege that Bailey, her label Parkwood Entertainment, and Columbia Records committed "copyright ...