The Dacia Bigster will go on sale in spring 2025 with pricing starting under £25,000. That makes it comfortably cheaper than the Qashqai and Sportage, which both start at around £30,000.
So, do you really need to spend more than this on a new ‘sub-compact’ car in 2025? Read on to find out.
Citroen C3 se află pe poziÈ›ia a cincea, cu o creÈ™tere de 3,6%. Dacia Duster a devenit liderul segmentului SUV-B, ocupând locul 7 în clasamentul general cu 15.230 de unități vândute, o creÈ™tere de 18,6 ...
Cel de-al doilea model al Dacia care performează de mai mult timp, Duster, dovedeÈ™te o È™i mai mare popularitate odată cu lansarea celei de-a treia generaÈ›ii. Duster 3 a început anul cu un rezultat ...
Despite being the range-topping model in Dacia’s line up, the Bigster’s pricing remains keen. The entry-level Expression costs from £24,995 and even the top-of-the-range full-hybrid ...
Trust it to be value champions Dacia turning up with the goods, then. This is the all-new Spring: not only the cheapest electric car money can buy in the UK, but one of the cheapest cars full stop.