Fredericksburg, Texas, is known for its wineries, restaurants, hotels and shopping. Here's what's new and hot in this ...
Known for their body and intense flavor, Sicilian wines are steadily growing in popularity, and most of this success is due ...
Mulled wine is a warm, spiced beverage typically served in the winter months.
Turkish wine is ripe with contradictions: The grapevine was most likely first domesticated in southeastern Anatolia, and the country is currently the 6th largest grape producer in the world, with ...
A: Six gallons a week is not enough water for grapes, in my opinion, but watch the plants and they will tell you. If you are getting some good vigorous growth from 6 gallons, then it is enough ...
Typically, I like to spend a column reminiscing about all the wines I drank the year before, eventually naming a "Wine of the Year." Let me save you a few hundred words: There isn't one this year.
“Wine, to me, is passion. It’s family and friends. It’s warmth of heart and generosity of spirit. Wine is art. It’s culture. It’s the essence of civilization and the art of living.” ...
While I drink all kinds of wine all year around, I do tend to drink much more red wine during the cold months. And I bet most ...