Bob and Jeff Grudosky are raising Miniature Herefords on 18 acres split between their two farms, and they're giving others ...
WILLCOX — Willcox Livestock Auction hosted the 48th Annual All-Breed Bull Sale on Monday, March 10. This year, the auction ...
An entry of 620 cattle at Markethill on Saturday 8th March continued to sell in a very firm trade in all rings.
Archie Ladd’s 3⁄4 Hereford, 1⁄4 Brahman heifers are bred to Angus bulls, which yields black baldy calves with an increase in hybrid vigor and carcass quality for his heifer customers. Selling ...
Bulls with high percentile growth estimated breeding values sold to strong demand today at the Wirruna Poll Hereford's autumn sale near Holbrook on February 27, with bulls and females selling to ...
Canada’s Blue Ant Media is heading into the London TV Screenings with a rep deal in place with Red Bull Studios. The agreement will see Blue Ant acquiring a number of series and films from Red ...
Stud and commercial beef producers from four states were able to select performance genetics from one of the single biggest offerings of Hereford bulls across the nation this year at the Yavenvale ...
Full house for the 56th Annual Carmichael Herefords Sale. It was a cold day outside, but inside was heated up nicely. And with a great set of bulls, the Carmichael crew was rewarded with an ...
Stud and commercial beef producers from four states were able to select performance genetics from one of the single biggest offerings of Hereford bulls across the nation this year at the Yavenvale ...
Temperatures were well below zero outside but quickly heated up in the salebarn. A large offering of yearling to aged bulls were on hand as well 250 top cut Hereford females. Congratulations on a very ...