Toy Story is a CGI animated media franchise created by Pixar and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. The franchise is based on the anthropomorphic concept that all toys, unknown to humans, are ...
Regular playtime is also important for keeping your dog healthy and happy. The best dog toys provide both physical and mental stimulation, which is known as enrichment. Fetch is an example of ...
Mechagodzilla is essentially a robotic version of the King of the Monsters, and his appearance in Fortnite comes directly from Godzilla vs. Kong (2021), albeit a much smaller version. Sadly ...
To add to the excitement, Mechagodzilla, a villain from the Godzilla franchise, is set to join Fortnite and rival the kaiju. Here’s how you can get Mechagodzilla in Fortnite. Fortnite ...
Godzilla, Kong, and MechaGodzilla are preparing for a duel of titans in Fortnite thanks to the arrival of their new outfits. Some of cinema’s most famous and powerful monsters have made their ...
Along with Godzilla, the game has included King Kong and Mechagodzilla, each with their own distinct skins. The collab extends beyond cosmetics as during matches, players have the opportunity to ...
Players have been waiting for Godzilla to dive into Fortnite since its reveal in the Chapter 6 Battle Pass. There are dozens of crossovers every single year, but the thunderous introduction of a ...
The update will also unveil Godzilla as the secret battle pass skin and add a further Mechagodzilla outfit and a Kong skin to the in-game store, too. Hopefully, Godzilla won’t be as overpowered ...
Many of these model cars are more valuable than the real thing. These model cars may be considered toys, but they’re not the kind you can actually play with. That’s because they are holy-grail items ...
Kaiju Theory is back and it ponders the question of a solo film for Mechagodzilla and what form that might take.