"Godzilla (Reiwa)" is a thrilling movie collection that showcases the mighty Godzilla's destructive power. In the first film, "Shin Godzilla," a team of volunteers battles against time to uncover ...
Whether you want to watch the original film, Godzilla vs. Kong, or Godzilla Minus One, you can see them all with a little ...
"Godzilla (Reiwa)" is a thrilling movie collection that showcases the mighty Godzilla's destructive power. In the first film, "Shin Godzilla," a team of volunteers battles against time to uncover ...
It's a great year for experiencing concerts at the movies ... Praise be to Godzilla. The king of the monsters returns in Toho's latest, a follow-up to the acclaimed 2016 reboot "Shin Godzilla." ...
NAGOYA--Hideaki Anno, the director of such notable works as the “Evangelion” series and “Shin Godzilla,” said he is exhausted after releasing movies for three straight years. In a recent ...
Godzilla from Shin Godzilla (2016) (Credit: Toho Pictures) After more than a decade without a Japanese-produced film, the Reiwa era began with the release of Shin Godzilla in 2016.