Heavy snow and strong winds will create blowing and drifting snow hazards on some roads in Michigan on Wednesday.
At 1:24 p.m. on Wednesday, the National Weather Service released a winter storm warning valid from 5 p.m. until Thursday 11 p ...
The latest Northeast Wisconsin weather forecast from Storm Team 5… Low pressure has built in just south of Wisconsin bringing ...
Officials in Brown County have declared a tow ban until further notice as a winter storm moves through the area. Under the ...
EDT an updated winter storm warning was released by the National Weather Service valid from 3 p.m. EDT until Thursday 5 a.m.
The track of a winter storm is shifting more south. This shifts our impacts for now the Central and Eastern counties of the U ...
A winter storm warning has been issued for Oregon Cascade mountain roads as 1 to 3 feet of snow is forecast between Wednesday ...
A winter storm warning was issued by the National Weather Service in Green Bay at 11:44 a.m. on Wednesday, March 19.
An updated winter storm watch was issued by the National Weather Service on Tuesday at 4:12 a.m. valid from Wednesday 5 p.m.
Sudburians may be done with winter, but winter, it appears, isn’t done with Sudbury. Environment Canada has issued a winter ...