The reality TV show follows realtors in New York City working at Douglas Elliman (DE), as top agent Eleonora Srugo forms her own team after closing a whopping $75 million deal. In this team is fiery ...
At the heart of this reality show are the women of Douglas Elliman, one of NYC’s most iconic real estate firms.
Netflix's Selling The City, from the creators of Selling Sunset, premiered on the OTT on January 3, 2025. The debut season of the real-estate show contains eight episodes.
He appeared on Netflix’s first dating series Dating Around in 2019, where he went viral for being a ‘chauvinistic a**hole’ ...
THE CIGNAL HD Spikers’ Premier Volleyball League title bid was dealt a massive blow after two of their pillars — Ces Molina and Riri Meneses — shockingly left the team recently for undisclosed reasons ...
Ces Molina and Riri Meneses have parted ways with the Cignal HD Spikers, according to their talent management agency. Avior Talent Management announced the development on Thursday. "Avior Talent ...
As of yet there's been no word from Netflix Selling The City will be back for a second season. However, there's no reason to give up just yet. Netflix often wait to see how the audience responds to a ...
Selling The City Season 1 aired on Netflix on January 3, 2025. The real estate show's seventh episode featured an issue between two realtors, Gisselle Meneses Nunez and Justin Tuinstra.
We were shocked at how dramatic Netflix's Selling The City is, just in its first season, starring Eleonora Srugo, Steve Gold, ...
Gisele Meneses-Nunez is also a member of Srugo's team, and describes herself to as a "Jersey girl" and "single mom." "I have worked my ass off to get where I am today," she tells