Hi Readers, We can download video file from Youtube if we know youtube URL of the video. First you need to add attached files (HCYoutubeParser) into your project. Now you need to call following ...
how to increase the size of icon inside floating action button ????? I'm trying to put plus icon inside floating action button. I have tried with 48dp, 72dp, 96dp icons, but still the icon is looking ...
Software development has emerged as one of the essential professional fields in modern society because of the profound effects technology has on every aspect of our daily lives. People use technology ...
Java was originally developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems. It was released in May 1995 as a core component of Sun's Java platform. The original and reference implementation Java compilers, ...
Overloading Main method: Like any other methods, it is possible to overload the main method also in java. One thing needs to be keep in mind while overloading the main method that it should be called ...
I want to change the image when entering and leaving mouse to it. But the image should stay there when clicked. I have an image attribute source that is replaced on mouse enter and mouse leave event.
This is a basic how-to tutorial on adding single or multiple images to PDF using JSPDF framework. JSPDF framework is a framework which helps to convert an html document into PDF format. To achieve ...
Hello Friends, When you are working with GIT sometimes face this kind of error "error: Unable to append to .git/logs/refs/heads/dev: Permission denied fatal: Cannot ...
In OpenERP we can create many2one and one2many relationships between models very easily by creating many2one and one2many fields. You just need to declare a field in _columns and then using this field ...