Tax expenditures make up a substantial part of the federal budget. Some of them are larger than the entire budgets of the programs or departments that spend money for the same or related purposes. For ...
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The federal government collected revenues of $4.9 trillion in 2022—equal to 19.6 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) (figure 2). Over the past 50 years, federal revenue has averaged 17.4 percent ...
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Workers, owners of capital, and households that consume a disproportionate amount of taxed items all bear the burden of federal excise taxes. Excise taxes create a wedge between the price the final ...
At current tax rates, the direct revenue loss from cutting tax rates almost always exceeds the indirect gain from increased activity or reduced tax avoidance. Cutting tax rates can, however, partly ...
The credit provides an incentive for investment in low-income communities. The US Department of the Treasury competitively allocates tax credit authority to intermediaries that select investment ...
Unemployment insurance assists workers who become involuntarily unemployed and meet specified eligibility requirements. Unemployment insurance programs are run as federal-state partnerships financed ...
The exclusion lowers the after-tax cost of health insurance for most Americans. Employer-paid premiums for health insurance are exempt from federal income and payroll taxes. Additionally, the portion ...
The difference is whether heirs who sell an inherited asset will pay tax on the capital gains from the time the asset was originally purchased or from the time it was inherited. The difference in tax ...
The Highway Trust Fund finances most federal government spending for highways and mass transit. Revenues for the trust fund come from transportation-related excise taxes, primarily federal taxes on ...
The United States imposes a tax on the profits of US resident corporations at a rate of 21 percent (reduced from 35 percent by the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act). The corporate income tax raised $424.7 ...