Wye Wye vs Delta Wye Transformers - Electric power
Aug 30, 2006 · I 3 paralled Generators to power an Industrial System Wye System. This is a prime power application. The Generators will serve a Transformer that is 480v - 4160v Wye. The plant is mostly motor loads and will likely have some harmonics due to VFDs. I'm wondering if I should go with a Delta at the Primary for a Delta-Wye Transformer or a Wye-Wye.
Auto-transformer vs Wye-Wye-Delta - Eng-Tips
Apr 6, 2010 · Question 1: Are auto-transformers the same thing as a wye-wye transformer with a buried tertiary (wye-wye-delta)? No. Although the YY connection is the most simple economical and popular, there are other connections as showing in the table below.
Transformer winding phase angle shift 3 - Eng-Tips
Jan 8, 2003 · I have some follow questions with regard to delta-wye transformer phase shift. I'm refering to transformere built in the USA to ANSI standards. Is the phase shift different for delta-wye or wye-delta (like advanced or retarded). Is the phase shift always advanced 30 degrees LV to MV and retarded 30 degrees MV to LV?
WYE source to a DELTA transformer primary? 2 - Eng-Tips
Aug 19, 2003 · 2. primary delta, secondary wye (grounded) - the first downstream transformer, e.g. 480V-D/220V-Y 3. primary delta, secondary wye (grounded) - the second downstream transformer, e.g. 220V-D/110V-Y 4. etc. is considered the industry standard since it: 1. Breaks the zero sequence path 2. Solidly grounded wye establishes good system grounding 3.
Fault with delta (ungrounded) Source and Wye Grounded …
Aug 18, 2001 · Now add a wye/delta transformer. (Sometimes used as a grounding transformer.) A fault to ground will now cause a fault current. Consider a ground fault on C phase. The fault current will not be supplied by C phase of the supply. We have shown that. The fault current will be supplied by the wye/delta transformer. The fault current path.
Delta side current for a delta wye grounded transformer with …
Jun 11, 2014 · Delta wye; not a grounding transformer. A common power transformer configuration. When you look a the currents feeding a delta load or transformer, The current in the A phase line is the vector sum of the currents in a phase and b phase and is not at the same angle as either A phase or B phase load currents.
Delta-Wye transformers: zero sequence effects 1 - Eng-Tips
Nov 4, 2003 · The transformer values are: - S=15 kVA - Vs (Wye side)=208 - Vp (Delta side)=2815V This is a very small transformer compare with the one we will be using in the field by a factor of 100, but it can give us a good understanding of what is going on. Regarding the unload circuit, yes. All the test were carried out with the Delta side unloaded
wye - wye transformer - Electric power & transmission ... - Eng-Tips
Dec 9, 2019 · Another wye:delta issue is that a wye:delta bank will transfer energy from the healthy phases to a faulted phase and increase the fault current of a single line to ground fault above the value calculated from the supply impedance. This may result in an upstream phase to ground fault blowing a downstream fuse on a wye:delta transformer bank. Bill
Why utilities use Wye-Wye Conneted transformer?? 3 - Eng-Tips
Dec 10, 2002 · A wye/wye transformer has a high impedance to all zero-sequence currents (triplens) and will cause excessive voltage distortion with lots of third, ninth etc harmonics. A delta/wye transformer behaves a lot better in this respect. Delta/wye is used in most new installations in northern Europe.
How to hunt for a grounded wye-delta transformer? - Eng-Tips
Feb 4, 2004 · When one phase is lost, the wye:delta bank acts as an open delta connection to feed the load while the open delta back feeds the de-energized phase. Once a fuse clears a phase, the back feed stops and the transformer continues to serve its load as an open delta bank. You may get help from your billing department.