Voltage doubler - Wikipedia
A voltage doubler is an electronic circuit which charges capacitors from the input voltage and switches these charges in such a way that, in the ideal case, exactly twice the voltage is produced at the output as at its input.
Voltage Doubler, Multiplier & Rectifier - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
格雷纳赫电压倍增器最初由瑞士工程师 Heinrich Greinacher 于 1913 年提出,是对 Villard 电路的改进,其纹波大大降低,在开路负载条件下(或负载无穷大)为零。 理想条件下(负载阻抗无穷大),但是,该电路的带载能力很弱,当负载阻抗很小时,由于电容的电还没充满信号就反向了,电容被迫放电,仅有的一点电荷都经由负载释放了,此时输出电压根本就上不去。 【电路分析】若将 Greinacher 电路看作是 Villard 电路和一个半波整流器(或峰值检测器)的级联,则利用前述的 …
Voltage Doubler: What is it? (Circuit Diagram, Full-Wave & Half …
Feb 24, 2012 · Voltage Doubler Definition: A voltage doubler is an electronic circuit that generates an output voltage twice as high as its input voltage. Circuit Design: Voltage doublers utilize two capacitors and two diodes in a setup that converts AC input to a higher DC output.
Voltage Multiplier and Voltage Doubler Circuit
As its name suggests, a Voltage Doubler is a voltage multiplier circuit which has a voltage multiplication factor of two. The circuit consists of only two diodes, two capacitors and an oscillating AC input voltage (a PWM waveform could also be used).
Voltage Multipliers (Doublers, Triplers, Quadruplers, and More)
A voltage multiplier is a specialized rectifier circuit producing an output that is theoretically an integer time the AC peak input, for example, 2, 3, or 4 times the AC peak input. Thus, it is possible to get 200 VDC from a 100 Vpeak AC source using a doubler, and 400 VDC from a quadrupler.
倍压器 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
倍压器(voltage doubler)是提升电压的电路,利用输入电压将电容器充电,并且利用电路的切换,在理想情形下,可以使电容器的电压恰为输入电压的二倍。
Voltage Multiplier - Voltage doubler, Voltage tripler, Voltage …
The voltage multiplier is an electronic circuit that delivers the output voltage whose amplitude (peak value) is two, three, or more times greater than the amplitude (peak value) of the input voltage.
Voltage Doublers - KEMET
A voltage doubler circuit outputs a DC voltage that is double the peak value of the AC input voltage, without using a transformer. There are many electrical design situations where an AC voltage signal is available (or can be created), but a larger DC voltage is needed for the circuit.
What is a Voltage Double? Definition, Half wave voltage doubler, …
A multiplier circuit that produces dc output voltage whose amplitude is twice the maximum amplitude of the ac input supply voltage is known as Voltage Doubler. The circuit shows its necessity in all such applications where a high level of voltage is required when the input source is of low amplitude.
3.8: Voltage Multipliers (Doublers, Triplers, Quadruplers, and More)
Mar 20, 2021 · Voltage Doubler. A voltage doubler application is a DC power supply capable of using either a 240 VAC or 120 VAC source. The supply uses a switch selected full-wave bridge to produce about 300 VDC from a 240 VAC source. The 120 V position of the switch rewires the bridge as a doubler producing about 300 VDC from the 120 VAC.
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